One of the key selling points of our system is the ability to 3D print a memento for each individual user based on what they created. To do this the system is required to change the model created by the user into a unique format known as .stl. This file format is unique and not commonly exported by non 3D modelling software. Thankfully the Unity asset store has a “plugin” that can be purchased to allow for .stl exportation.
However this plugin can only be accessed within the Unity editor so I’ve had to make some changes to allow for exporting while the system is running. It is also important to consider how the exportation will function without breaking user immersion; thankfully I have already considered this. In my previous post about the myo I mentioned that it allows for unique gesture control. With this in mind I developed a “Canvas” based menu system that can be accessed and navigated using the myo. This menu system allows users to export their created object to a .stl format allowing it to be printed by our 3D printer.